There are three main reasons your driveway may fail; poor drainage, unsuitable subgrade material, or not having a thick enough granular structure. If you have issues with your driveway or parking pad, DHC Solutions Ltd. will be happy to come take a look, offer advice and of course, help you with your problem. There are a few solutions to each problem listed above. They vary in price and effectiveness. So based on your intended use, frequency of travel, number and size of load, we will help you to choose the most effective solution. In the case of a complete rebuild, DHC Solutions Ltd. will salvage as much gravel as possible from the existing structure to use in the new structure which saves you money. We will excavate down deep enough to either find suitable subgrade, or recommend a geotextile to help bridge the poor material. We will then supply and place gravel, shape it properly to ensure positive drainage, and compact it – leaving you with a quick-drying hard surface to park on. DHC Solutions Ltd. works with local Paving Contractors that can turn that driveway black for a maintenance free driving surface. If you are thinking of investing in pavement, concrete, or even a decorative aggregate like shale, make sure you have a rock-solid foundation underneath to avoid costly repairs to your driving surface down the road. DHC Solutions Ltd. can also install drainage culverts, weeping tile or swales to let the water make its way off your driveway. Please call us to discuss your driveway solution today.

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