If you know what you want, but aren’t ready to build it yet, DHC Solutions Ltd. can help take the image in your mind’s eye to a detailed design on paper. Not only will this process allow you to make detailed changes prior to construction starting, but you can reflect on and develop your plan for as long as it takes. Whether you are saving up for your dream garden patio or you just plan on doing the work yourself at your own pace, laying down the fundamentals on paper can help to avoid making costly mistakes in construction.

DHC Solutions Ltd. uses highly accurate 3D survey equipment and can pick up all the pertinent features in your yard or acreage like elevation contours and drainage paths, property lines, existing buildings, trees and buried utilities. We will then translate this information into our CAD software and get to work plotting out your imagination for you to review. Whether you are looking for a basic layout plan to help with planning or you need a detailed plan down to plant species and deck details, DHC Solutions Ltd. can help.

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