Site Evaluation, System Design, Septic Tank and Pressure Distribution Field Installation

Near Bentley, Lacombe County, AB

DHC Solutions Ltd. was engaged to install a septic system for a new build in rural Lacombe County west of Bentley. We performed a site evaluation and soil investigation which is required for all system designs by the municipality and the province. Based on the site and soil conditions, DHC designed an On-site Private Sewage Disposal System composed of a 2-chamber septic tank and a pressure distribution field. Based on the location of the project a chamber-type system was selected over the more conventional washed rock media. The design and permit application were submitted to Lacombe County’s safety codes consultant and was approved without any changes. Materials were delivered to site and excavation began. DHC installed the tank and inlet lines through the foundation of the house. An effluent pump and dual zone valve was installed inside the tank to pump the effluent from the tank to the field. We then trenched in the effluent delivery lines from the tank to the field location. The trenches for the field were dug and the pressure distribution laterals were installed. The laterals were covered with arch-type chambers and geotextile fabric and then backfilled with native material and fine graded.